Premature greying is one of the maladies of the modern lifestyle. Those dreaded streaks of silver and white pop up even when you are in your 20s. And, the only option you are left with is to look for foolproof home remedies to turn your grey hair into black. They may say that greying is a sign of wisdom and maturity, but it also tells you that your body is not producing enough melamine, which is an early sign of aging.

our body produces melanin (a pigment) that protects us from harmful UV rays. When we are exposed to sunlight, our skin starts producing melanin to protect our skin cells from being damaged. But this production of melanin can cause damage to our hair follicles, leading to grey hairs.

 How does the body produce melanin?

 Melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the epidermis, just below the outer root sheath of the hair follicle. They are responsible for producing melanin.

Simple ways to prevent Grey hair

 1. Drink plenty of water

 Drinking enough water is the best way to keep your skin looking young and healthy. Water helps flush out toxins that can cause premature aging. If you are dehydrated, your body will not function properly and this could lead to premature graying of hair.

 2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

 Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Antioxidants protect against damage caused by these unstable molecules. Free radicals have been linked to premature greying of hair.

 3. Use a good shampoo

 A great shampoo can make a big difference in how well-groomed your hair looks. Look for shampoos that use natural ingredients like aloe vera and avocado oil. These products cleanse without stripping away moisture.

Natural Remedies For Grey Hair 

1. Amla and methi seeds

Add 6-7 parts of 3 tbsp of an oil of your decision (coconut, olive, almond) and bubble for a couple of moments. Add 1 tbsp of fenugreek powder. Cool, strain, and apply liberally all around the scalp around evening time. Utilize a gentle natural cleanser to wash off toward the beginning of the day.

Amla and methi together make for one of the most mind-blowing regular solutions for silver hair. Indian gooseberry or Amla is a rich wellspring of Vitamin C and has been utilized in Ayurveda for a wide range of hair issues. Fenugreek or Methi seeds are loaded with a few supplements and the blend of these super fixings forestalls untimely turning gray as well as advances hair development.

2. Dark tea flush

Dark tea flush for silver hair

Heat up some water with 2 tbsps of dark tea and a tsp of salt. Cool and apply liberally on newly washed hair. Permit drying. Rehash routinely to obscure dark strands.

Dark Tea has caffeine which is stacked with enemies of oxidants. While adding a characteristic dim shade to the hair, animates hair development and reinforces it giving it a sparkle. Getting your hair a dark tea wash won't just assist you with disposing of silver hair normally yet in addition leave your hair looking shinier than previously. Shared benefit!

3. Almond oil and lemon juice

Almond oil and lemon juice for silver hair

Blend almond oil and lemon juice in the proportion of 2:3. Rub well in the scalp and hair. Wash off within 30 minutes.

Almond oil has Vitamin E which is incredibly gainful for hair. It feeds the roots and forestalls untimely turning gray. Lemon juice adds sparkle and volume to hair as well as advances solid hair development. Almond oil and lemon juice are both effectively accessible fixings than can assist you with disposing of silver hair normally.

4. Henna and espresso

Henna and espresso for silver hair

Add 1 tbsp of espresso powder to extremely hot water. Cool and make glue with henna powder. Allow it to rest covered for a couple of hours. Blend in 1 tbsp of any oil of your decision and apply generously covering the hair totally. Wash off the following 60 minutes.

Henna is a characteristic conditioner and a colorant and when joined with espresso, it gives astounding outcomes. Henna is truth be told a well-established home solution for becoming silver hair into the dark.

5. Curry leaves and oil

Curry leaves and oil for silver hair

Heat up a cupful of curry leaves in a cup of oil till they become dark. Cool, strain and store. Rub into hair 2-3 times each week. Leave for the time being.

Curry leaves are brimming with Vitamin B and assist with reestablishing the shade melamine in the hair follicles and forestall further turning gray. It is a rich wellspring of Beta-Keratin and furthermore forestalls hair fall. This home cure accomplishes something other than forestall bothersome grays.

6. Edge gourd oil

Edge gourd oil for silver hair

Place a cupful of sundried edge gourd pieces in coconut oil and leave to leak and develop for 3-4 days. Heat up the oil for a couple of moments. Strain and store. Knead into the scalp and hair around evening time and wash off with a natural cleanser of your decision.

Edge gourd or Torai contains catalysts that reestablish the shade, melamine in the foundation of the hair as well as reinforce them. Coconut oil is a characteristic conditioner making boisterous hair reasonable.

7. Onion juice

Onion juice for silver hair

Blend 2-3 tsp of onion juice, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and 1 tsp of olive oil. Rub into the scalp and hair and wash off after thirty minutes.

A compelling answer for turning gray hair, onion likewise advances hair development. It builds the compound, Catalase, in this manner obscuring the hair. When joined with lemon juice, it gives sparkle and skips to the hair.

8. Shikakai powder

Shikakai powder for silver hair

Make a glue of shikakai powder and yogurt and rub it into the scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Shikakai powder has been utilized in Ayurveda for ages for sound hair. It is a characteristic cleanser and a powerful method for lessening turning gray. Ordinary use will prompt a better scalp and you will see hair development.

Spoil and feed your hair with these home cures and postpone the turning gray of hair. A decent nutritious eating routine likewise assumes a significant part in adding to parading a sparkling wonderful mane.